I have been robbed! "Of what?", you ask, my coupons. I received my sunday newspaper, and to my dismay, there were no coupons. (Cue psycho shower scene music) I am so hurt, I don't like to jump to conclusions but my new found passion has been interrupted. I want to call the newspaper and complain, but it's a holiday, so I'll just have to sit around and wait. I'll just make Du'ah, (pray) about it, and insha Allah (God willing), everything will turn out alright. If not, I'll just have to become very close friends with the people down at the recycling plant. Because let's face it not everyone coupon's.
My only hope is that, because of extreme couponing episodes, everyone else hasn't been getting the same idea. But come on, it's a hot new show, everyone is probably clipping away. Even the thief/thieves who stole mines. *sniff sniff*
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