It's been a "blah blah" day to add to my "blah blah" weekend. I could rant on about the heat and being stuck in the house with a 5 year old and 2 year old, but it really wasn't that interesting today. The heat knocked my 2 year old out for a good nap, but my 5 year old was wide awake complaining about being hot, like I wasn't standing in the same room. I don't know if he thought it was some sick new torture tactic, but he wasn't happy with "ME" over the temperature of the day. Well that's parenting right? Just a preview I guess of the finger pointing he will go through, insha allah, I guess when he's older.
I guess I'll go on and admit it, and tell you that I'm a cheapskate. Though I have central air, masha Allah, most of the time I open all of the windows and put the ceiling fan on high. It's really not all that bad if you are sitting still, so for most of the day, when my son complained to me in his condescending tone, I told him he had to stay still to keep cool. Hey; he treats me like it's my fault for the heat, and I treat him like it's his fault he's so hot. It's the only defense I have to support my cheapskate tactic.
Now don't misunderstand, this is no weird form of torture, it all levels out in the end. If it's a humid day, I'll go on use the central air, but on an average hot day, I don't feel the need to use it. His reality of his mother being a "super mom" only stems from "super saving". That and a bit of an imagination. It's just sacrifices that he is totally unaware of. With so many popular toys out there, I may not always be able to afford them, so I look for unique toys that not many have but are cool. Masha Allah, so far I have been doing a pretty good job.
Well; unfortunately, I am quite sure it's obvious that I am suffering from writers block. Even to write this has been a moment of insanity. To write and erase over and over is madness. So I just started writing exactly what I was feeling. Don't worry if it doesn't make sense to you, because most of what I do doesn't make much sense to me until well later. ;-) Maybe I should have made the name of the blog "Ramblings Of A Mad Woman", but that's a bit long winded. So since my mind is still clouded, I'll just end it here. Ta-Ta to all. (If anyone ever reads this.)
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