Friday, June 26, 2009

Never can say goodbye

Time and time again we are shocked and some what amazed when a person dies. Subconsciously we know that it is a guarantee that death is eminent, yet it is still seen as some sort of shrouded mystery. But shouldn't this be looked at as a reminder that we are not guaranteed tomorrow? We go to bed expecting to wake up the next morning. We wake in the morning expecting to make it to bed.
The death of Micheal Jackson has had a major effect on the world. The kind of effect that rings that constant saying of, "here today, gone tomorrow", in your head. As all deaths, it wasn't expected. I'm not quite sure if that's why it had such a major effect; I think it's more over that there was no warning. Maybe a well known sickness of a public declining health. Or some sort of car accident, where he lingered for a while. People were not expecting to hear " Micheal Jackson has been rushed to the hospital." then hear, " Micheal Jackson has passed away."
Things happening so quickly, are not easy to comprehend. There is shock, a feeling of disbelief, and then realization. So people aren't surprised THAT he died, more so when and how. He performed like he would go on forever. Delivering comfort that he would always be around to sing what so many people may feel. Always giving amusement of entertainment with the lavish, controversial, and humours life he lived. An entertainer in his own right and class. No one had the ability to deliver the magic that Micheal Jackson brought to the entertainment business. There was finally flesh given to Peter Pan as the boy who never grew up.

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